Here I do the research for you and summarize articles from the known experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. John Douillard, and Weston A. Price.

I Had No Idea My Adrenals Were Fatigued
My dear friend Don and I laughed harder than we had in weeks while we were driving together recently. Don was telling me how tired he’s been feeling lately; that when he wakes up in the morning, he feels about 80% as tired as when he laid down to go to sleep! I shook...

Saturated Fats, Animal Proteins, and Micro Algae
I've had some symptoms of liver congestion recently, so I re-read the liver/gallbladder chapter of my favorite book, Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford. And, lo and behold, I discovered that I’ve been way too liberal with both red meats and saturated fats, for...

Warming and Cooling Our Bodies with Foods
I’ll never forget how amazed I was, when I first learned that our body temperature can be controlled with food. It was a hot summer day, and I was at a friend’s house (a friend who had been studying Macrobiotics for many years). He said that the day before at his...